Friday, February 19, 2010

Network Marketing Training

Would you like to sponsor your first distributor online?  Do you think that is an unrealistic possibility?  Well, I suppose if you don't know what you are doing it seems like an ominous task.  But let me tell you that it is a perfectly realistic possibility for you... and I am going to show you how!

The Key To It All!

It's actually a very simple solution:  Training!

When you are young and in school and you don't know how to read, what happens?  You are taught how!  When you don't know math, what happens?  You are taught math!    When you are a young mother with your first child and you don't have the first clue how to take care of a baby... what happens?

Well for the most part for us... fortunately that comes with instinct, however if you need knowledge on any subject you can find it.... there are a gazillion books out there on parenting... just visit any local Chapters store or do a search online... you'll find it!  Again - Training!

Training - the education, instruction, or discipline of a person or thing that is being trained: He's in training for the Olympics.  ~

Well, we are not training for the Olympics, but something much easier to attain - Building a Successful Network Marketing Business - Online!

Over the course of the last few years I have bought many information products, spent thousands (and I do mean thousands) of dollars in training. E-books, video courses, regular books, dvds, cds, personal development courses, teleseminar courses, you name it, I've done it. I have even travelled to 3 and 4 day work shops.

Some training is very very good, others.... not so good!  Fortunately, you don't have to make the same mistakes I have made, and spend the kind of money that I have.  I have gone through the training and I know what works and what absolutely does not work.

I would like to recommend some of the Gemstones (I like to call them) that I have found that have helped me tremendously to build my business completely online, on autopilot!  And....... they won't cost you your first born child either! 

Recommended Training

  1. In order to get the most out of your business and avoid failure, as a preliminary step I highly recommend you go and download a very valuable, eye opening book from another industry leader (which I'll give you access to for FREE) that exposes some half-truths in network marketing. Do this First!
  2. One of the best books I have ever read and it is completely FREE.  (Also by Ann Sieg)
    If you have ever been confused about where to start when marketing online, or had a hard time getting going... this is absolutely for you!  Don't waste another minute going in the wrong direction... Read This!!
  3. Your Own Web Presence
    This is a critical factor in building your own success online.  I know that your Network Marketing Company offers you a very attractive Corporate website.  It looks beautiful and has all the bells and whistles.  However, every other distributor in your company has the exact same website.  So what sets you apart?  If you have read either of the two reports above, you understand the importance of having your own web presence. 

    Whether you are a seasoned web designer or a newbie that knows nothing about building a website, this is the solution for you.  The only thing you need to know is the topic of your site.  SBI takes care of every other detail for you, including optimizing your site for the search engines.  Plus:  They Understand Network Marketing!!  BONUS!

    I personally created a site using SBI not too long ago, actually it is a work in progress!  But I love the tools and functionality of the SBI Platform!  Highly recommend! 

    To find out more click this link:  SBI For Network Marketers

Please check back often... as I will be adding resources to this page, but this should get you started in the right direction!  If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me!

Thanks for reading!

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