Anyone who has ever bought into the dream of network/multi-level marketing knows that its not perfect, myself included. I became involved with it because I loved the product and I became excited by the idea of building a massive residual income. Many will promise that its a more efficient way to make money, that its easy to find success through friends and family, and that it can be done in a couple hours after your day job. But anyone who has poured countless hours and thousands of dollars chasing the Network Marketing dream knows that its not as simple as uplines, downlines, and growing bank accounts.
It was a rude awakening, as I jumped in only to find that success didn't come as easily as I had been told. I wanted to work hard and was willing to, but the fact of the matter is I couldn't keep my recruits excited. They kept quitting. My friends and family loved the products but not many of them were interested in the business. I didn't know how to "sell" and I didn't want to "sell". I hated the thought of buying and cold calling leads, so it didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped.
As I experienced, there are some serious drawbacks to Network Marketing. If there weren't, every product sold would be through networks, and every distributor involved would be very rich. Not the case. Here's why:
Shockingly, 99% of all MLM distributors lose money. The further down the line you go, the fewer leads there are available. It becomes a principle of scarcity. You quickly come to the end of your "warm market". It then can become difficult to search and track down more people to become involved, either as buyers or downline distributors.
Family and friends are not a reliable base for MLM success. No one wants to be hounded by their distant brother-in-law or old high school teammate to join up in the next big money making scheme or buy whatever wonderful irreplaceable product you happen to be pushing at the moment. Yes, your mother loves you, but she's not going to make you rich.
A successful Network Marketing business takes a lot of time, and a lot of talent. For being the part-time, work-from-home, independent moneymaker it is portrayed to be, any successful distributor must actually spend far more time to make the business viable. Industry "experts" will tell you that every second of the day is a potential time for marketing. No regular hours. No limits. Always be ready with a pitch.
MLM is not your standard make-money-on-the-side job. For many, it becomes a lifestyle. MLM "pep rallies," training seminars, workshops, and retreats are the industry norm. I happen to love my companies conventions and I attend annually. I learn a lot from them, but I am still drawn to working my business online. I feel like I can reach more people with this medium than doing home parties or meetings at my neighbourhood church. But that is what they teach you.
These four drawbacks become serious obstacles on the path to MLM financial success. Most Network Marketing Systems fail for some combination of these dilemmas, and until now, there hasn't been any system that would allow distributors to bypass these hurdles.
However if you could learn how to market your business online, if you could learn how to have leads coming to you, instead of you hounding them... or making endless cold call after cold call... would you be interested?
I have been working on a completely free information site aimed to help network marketers build their MLM businesses online. The site is going to be a community of like-minded people, sharing information, creating excitement and most definitely building residual incomes from home... how does that sound to you?
The site is in the early stages of development right now, but please feel free to drop by anytime:
Learn simple techniques.... with no meetings to attend. No family to chase. Have leads seeking you out with credit cards in hand. Give people what they want, and they will buy it. A sales funnel that does the "selling" for you.
I hope this helps, and thanks for reading.
Have an Amazing Day!
Monday, December 28, 2009
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