It has been a while since my last post. Much has happened in my life. As my blog title indicates... Life Happens.... Make The Best of It. But what happens when there are things that go on in your life that you have no control over? Sometimes we are forced to live a life we don't want to live, face the very things that we fear. Lose something so precious... we feel a part of us has died.
Three years ago my father was diagnosed with lung cancer. He was only given months to live. The passion that he had for life gave him the ability to fight this terrible disease... for at least a little longer. His love for his new wife Gail and the desire to spend as much time with his children and grandchildren, his friends and family, gave him the courage to face his fear and fight a very courageous battle.
The last few months have been very tough. I feel very blessed that I was able to spend almost every day with him, taking him for his radiation treatments, spending time with him... in and out of the hospital. I was given the opportunity to share with him my feelings, my love, and my hopes for the future.
Sadly, he passed away on May 4th of this year. I know in my heart that he is in a better place, and free from his pain. However, the grief for our loss still overtakes me. When I think about not hearing his voice, not sharing time with him, knowing that nothing will be the same again, sometimes I break down and cry.
I know that it will take time to heal, and I'm good with that. Today though, is the first day that I have been able to have a sheer sense of happiness. A day that I am actually enjoying, rather than just surviving! Perhaps it helps that my dear hubby (ah he is so sweet to me), brought me flowers, a nice card, my favourite treat (a chocolate bar) and got me that new book that I wanted. (which I will talk about further down). He also took me to lunch today with his Mom and sister. So far today has been enjoyable.
Life for me is about having a sense of purpose. When something happens in my life and I lose that... I am not really living, I am in survival mode. Its time to move past that... and get back my sense of purpose.
Now about this book that I wanted. Last week I was flipping through the channels one afternoon (laying in bed - surviving - well depressed actually, if I am to be completely honest here), and on the screen came Oprah. This day she was interviewing an author Geneen Roth and the topic of conversation was her new book:
Women Food And God
I found this interview so appealing, so captivating, so interesting.. I knew I had to have this book. In fact, I immediately texted my best friend Jen and told her she needed to watch Oprah that day (she pvr's it). I knew she would be interested too.
Well today my hubby presented me with this book, and I am so excited to start reading it. I am hoping that not only will it help me to understand why I turn to food to console myself or when I am bored, but also give me more insight into the other women (and men) that I coach.
Click here to read an excerpt from the book on
Click on the book to see if it is available on
I will keep you updated as I read this book and begin on "An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything"
Have an Amazing Day!
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